
Top 5 Vitamin D sources: Besides sunlight!

Weakening of bones is one of the most common ailment of elderly individuals. In this regard, Vitamin D is essential for the development because the deficiency of this vital nutrient weakens the bones and can lead to several bone diseases like arthritis, sclerosis, osteoporosis etc. Also, weakening of muscles and depression in old age are common signs of Vitamin D deficiency .


We all know that sunlight is a natural source of Vitamin D, but it is not always possible to get it because its prolonged exposure can lead to skin cancer. Moreover, most people do not get time to sit in the mild sun. In this scenario, we should focus on getting vitamin D from dietary sources. So, let us find out the rich sources of Vitamin D -


Take Mushrooms

Mushrooms are a good source of vitamin D and contains several minerals, vitamins and proteins which are extremely beneficial for the body. Why? Because mushrooms grow only by the sunlight and so abundant in it!

You can eat all kinds of mushrooms for this vitamin, although, shiitake and morel species of mushrooms have the highest concentration of Vitamin D nutrient.  The mushrooms contain Vitamin D2 which is a natural form of vitamin D. So, 100 grams of mushroom contain 450 IU of vitamin D2.


Consume Milk of Cow/Goat

The milk of cow and products made from it are beneficial for the whole body. A cow’s milk is more beneficial as compared to buffalo's milk as it contains not only less fat but has high calcium and vitamin D richness.Similarly, vitamin D is also found in abundant quantity in the milk of goat. Statistically, we can obtain 50% of vitamin D from cow's milk and 31% by goat's milk in our daily dose .


Have Tofu Milk

Prepared from Beans, Tofu is made by thickening soy milk and compressing the resulting curds into solid white blocks. It is extremely nutritious and contains protein and minerals equal to cottage cheese or red meat.

Tofu is, undoubtedly, a good source of vitamin D and Calcium. So, if you workout heavily, tofu is quite beneficial for you.


Include Cod Liver Oil in diet

Vitamin D deficiency is higher in women over 30 years of age, due to which they develop many types of physical problems.Consequently, the bones become weak and the females begins to have difficulty in working and climbing stairs.

As such, this dietary deficiency of vitamin D can also be accomplished with cod liver oil. Cod liver oil, in this case, is a good source of vitamin D as one teaspoon of this oil contains 1350 IU.


Eat butter


Eating limited amount of butter in breakfast is beneficial for you because it is not only delicious but also healthy.You can eat it with bread and other delicacies.Butter, no doubt, is also a good source of vitamin D. You can get around 65 IU (Vitamin D in about 100 grams of butter.